Ethics Policy
These guidelines generally apply to all members of the news and editorial departments whose work directly affects the content of Share To Aware, including those on leaves of absence. We are making this document public to keep Share To Aware writers, reporters, content creators, editors accountable to our readers & followers.
1) Fairness
Writers, reporters, content creators, assigned freelancers and editors of Share To Aware are committed to fairness. Share To Aware doesn’t believe in getting not only both sides, but we believe in getting “all” sides. Whenever possible and necessary, we seek opposing views and solicit responses from those whose conduct is questioned in news stories. Our writers, content creators or reporters must seek both sides of the story by providing an opportunity for those subject to negative accusations with an opportunity to respond to accusations & claims.
2) Strict Laws of Harassment
Share To Aware strives to create and maintain a work environment in which people are treated with respect, dignity, & decency so our employees & people we work with can feel safe, secure and happy. We will never tolerate anyone intimidating, blackmailing, humiliating, bullying or sabotaging others in our organisation.
The Company will immediately investigate any allegation of harassment, evaluate the conduct and the context of the behavior, and take appropriate action on an urgent basis.
3) Discrimination
We also prohibit willful discrimination based on age, gender, ethnicity, cultural affiliation, race, religious beliefs or disability.
4) Impartiality and Neutrality
No employee may exploit for personal gain any nonpublic information acquired at work, or use his or her association with Share To Aware to gain any advantage or favour & second, no one may do anything that damages or negatively affects Share To Aware’s reputation for strict neutrality in reporting on politics and government. Our fundamental purpose is to protect the impartiality and neutrality of Share To Aware and the integrity of its news reports or features.
5) Conflicts of Interests
Our editors, writers, reporters, or assigned freelancers and contractors should not work on stories, projects, content or initiatives which include a personal or family relationship, personal financial investment, or relevant political activity. We ask that staffers, contractors, and freelancers exercise an abundance of caution in these matters. Even a perceived conflict could damage our credibility.
6) Plagiarism
At Share To Aware, like most journalistic organizations, we have a strong policy against plagiarism. Plagiarism is the act of stealing other’s hard work. Journalists plagiarize when they use verbatim material without crediting sources. Copying and pasting material found online without attributing the source is plagiarism. We are strictly against it and we sincerely value the hard work, efforts, and investments of other content creators & publishers.
7) Following Laws
Staff members must obey all the laws, rules and regulations in the pursuit of news and other content creation.
8) Privacy
We believe ordinary people have greater rights to privacy than public figures and others who seek power, influence or attention And our use of their personal photos, descriptions of their behavior, can have unintended consequences on their lives which can be hurtful or disruptive.
9) Correction Policy treats its readers as fairly and openly as possible. We tell our readers the complete, unvarnished & unbiased truth as best we can learn it. It is our policy to correct our errors, no matter they are large and small, as soon as we become aware of our fault we correct it.
We all are humans and we sometimes make mistakes. Correcting them promptly is vital to our credibility. We always acknowledge our mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently.
Moreover, factual errors do require an urgent correction & if required apology as well.
10) Fact-checking Policy
“It’s more important than ever to be factually right online.”
We highly value our readers & make sure authentication, verification & fact-checking the truthfulness is always followed. We care about being perfectly clear and honest with words, headlines, and URLs and always publish content that is accurate and truthful.
Our reporters, editors, content creators & assigned freelancers conduct their own fact-checking using their own judgment guided by our ethics policy. They must understand that words have the power to impact & influence lives and conditions positively or negatively and we need to act responsibly.
Report your concerns: If you feel that an employee of the Company has engaged in conduct that may violate this policy, please discuss your concerns with us or email us on
For those people who still have questions, please email