Coronavirus vaccine: when will we have one?

A massive effort is underway to develop a much-needed vaccine for coronavirus and scientists & experts are trying their best to make it available as soon as possible to save millions of lives, as “We cannot wait. Millions of lives depend on it.” Share To Aware has learned.
In normal circumstances, the development of new vaccines and treatments for any virus would take years. But as it’s a state of emergency over the coronavirus epidemic and there is now a global hunt for a coronavirus vaccine the pharmaceutical industry is racing to fight against time with the support of nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and regulatory authorities.
This is not a normal situation. Even with our best efforts at self-isolating, social distancing and lockdown in several countries, there have still been more than 2 Million Worldwide Confirmed Coronavirus Cases with more than 138,000 confirmed deaths all over the World due to COVID-19. 26,708 people have died in the US, 21,645 deaths in Italy, 19,130 deaths in Spain, 17,167 deaths in France according to data from Johns Hopkins University, Coronavirus Resource Center
On April 11, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) stated that there are “70 coronavirus vaccines are in the works globally, and trials are moving forward at an unprecedented speed.”
The current response to the coronavirus diseaseCOVID-19 pandemic needs aggressive implementation because If the vaccine for Coronavirus is developed then there will be a limited supply, at least in the early stages, so it will be important to have strong international coordination and cooperation between vaccine developers, regulators, policymakers, funders, public health bodies, and provincial & national governments will be needed to ensure it’s availability and affordability.
Human trials have begun but there are still many unknowns with respect to Coronavirus, including for how long any vaccine will provide protection against COVID-19. A strong indication of this will be whether people who have recovered from Coronavirus can catch it again.
According to Coronavirus live updated published on April 14, 2020 in NPR Chief Scientific Officer of Johnson & Johnson, Paul Stoffels said the company had identified one lead and two alternate vaccine candidates that it planned to prepare to manufacture. “Our goal is to be able to produce 1 billion doses of the vaccine globally,” Stoffels said.
Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccinology at Oxford University, told The Times on April 11, 2020, that she is “80% confident” the vaccine would work, and could be ready by September.
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