Troubles Give You Strength, Hardships Give You Maturity And Experience Gives You Wisdom

I was diagnosed with thalassemia major at 6 months old. Since then, I have received blood transfusions approximately every 21 days. It was never easy, and even my relatives and some doctors said that I wouldn’t survive long. Imagine getting thousands of pricks in your life and how hard that would have been (and that is just a glimpse of it). But my mom had something opposite in her mind, she nourished me in every field of life. I was a swimmer throughout school and went to a prestigious college, the University of Karachi in Pakistan.
I had a tough time throughout my journey, but I never opened up to anyone about my condition. I had to chelate for around twelve hours daily through an intravenous injection, attend classes, travel in buses on long routes and much more with hemoglobin levels sometimes as low as 6 and 7! The reason I never talked about my condition openly is because I never liked sympathy from anyone. I believe I can challenge myself and I can push my limits, and that’s the beauty of our willpower. You never know how far you can sail on this boat. I never demanded any favor, or an escape route, or even flexibility because of it. I want to set an example that you don’t need cheat codes to achieve anything in this game of life. A little courage and consistency can take you to the stars.
I lost my brother and my best friend in my second year of Pharmacy because of thalassemia, yet it gave me more courage. Apart from being a professional in my field, I am going train myself as a speaker and a coach. InshaAllah! Always remember, we all get tested in different ways and intensities but a beautiful portrait is never made just after few strokes. It takes a lot.
Silence gives you calmness, troubles give you strength, hardships give you maturity and experience gives you wisdom. You are not known by your problems but the way you face them. If you think that only you have problems, think again! Know that if you have the will to stand, friends to cheer you up, a family to support you and a vision to achieve a goal, then, my friend, the game is still on for you! #ShareToAware
Submited to “Share To Aware” by Zalkifel Rao